• Set Your Intention:
Before you begin, establish a clear intention for your ritual. Whether it's purifying your surroundings, seeking spiritual connection, or preparing for meditation, having a focused intention adds depth to the practice.
• Light the White Sage:
Use a lighter or candle to ignite one end of the smudge stick. Allow it to burn for a moment, and then blow out the flame, leaving a smoldering, aromatic ember. If you're using loose leaves or essential oil, a heat-safe container with charcoal can be used for burning.
• Smudge Your Space:
Walk through your space, moving the smoldering White Sage in a clockwise direction, focusing on corners, doorways, and areas where negative energy may accumulate. Visualize the smoke purifying and dispelling any unwanted energy.
• Enjoy the Aroma:
As the White Sage burns, take in its grounding fragrance. Breathe deeply and let the aroma calm your mind and spirit.
• Extinguish Safely:
When you're finished with your cleansing or ritual, carefully extinguish the White Sage by pressing the smoldering end against a heat-resistant surface or smothering it in a bowl of sand.